
Welcome To The Online Home Of JCDVC

The JCDVC exists to create a safe space to educate believers about domestic violence awarness and prevention, ​​empower domestic violence victims to leave abusive situations, elevate the esteem, mindset and spiritual condition of survivors and equip them to thrive!


Information about the Jesus Center Domestic Violence

King David’s daughter, Tamar, was sexually abused by her brother Amnon. Though her other brother Absalom despised what their brother had done, he did nothing to protect, avenge or comfort his sister. In fact, he told her to keep silent about what had happened to her and essentially to find a way to get over it. Sadly, that mindset about domestic violence continues to this day.

​The Tamar JCDVC exists to create a culture in the faith community where domestic violence is no longer silenced nor tolerated. We create a safe space where survivors are educated, empowered, elevated and equipped to heal and thrive.

We Offer Resource Information

Police, social services, and voluntary agencies are working together to tackle domestic violence


Spiritual Care






Spiritual Care





Our Values

Self- Care

We believe self-care is an important aspect of rebuilding the esteem and dignity that is stolen by domestic violence abusers. It is our aim to restore, Dignity, Respect, Confidence

Safe Space

We have created a space for survivors to share their exoerience. Personal information held in the strictest confidence and we are committed to fostering a culture of trust.

Spiritual Care

When domestic violence strikes, it affects more than our physical well-being, it often affects all of who we are: our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and spirituality.

Upcoming Events

  • Unity 4 VICTORY

    Unity 4 VICTORY

    Celebration Walk and Luncheon 
    Joining Hands in Unity 4 Victory for Emotional and Physical Healing

  • The Jesus Center Domestic Violence Coalition Presents

    The Jesus Center Domestic Violence Coalition Presents

    Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.

Meet The JCDVC Team

Dr. Helen Orme

Executive Director

The JC Domestic Violence Coalition Team


Sharon Ward LMHC


The JC Domestic Violence Coalition Team

Betty Miller


The JC Domestic Violence Coalition Team

La Quita Cormier


The JC Domestic Violence Coalition Team

Minister Shawni Jackson


The JC Domestic Violence Coalition Team


Dr. Carletta Skinner


The JC Domestic Violence Coalition Team

Dr. Zachary K. Bruce

Board Member

Visionary & Honorary

Dr. Carletta Skinner

Board Member

DVA Board Member

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